News & Magazines


The national trade magazine ep ELEKTRO PRAKTIKER once a month provides the necessary expertise for qualified electricians in trade, planning and industry. The main focus technical and business information, practical explanations for European Standards and the requirements of work safety. The additional package provides epPLUS under www.elektropraktiker.de all digital journal article in the online archive and standard information service incl. Updating message.In addition to the monthly output the ep Team routinely topic-specific special issues and dossiers. These combine technical papers on topics such as lighting and lighting equipment, lightning and surge protection, programmable controllers and measuring testing.In this app, you can purchase the magazine or subscribe to the monthly expenses such as special issues and dossiers individually. epPLUS users can log in with their credentials and have free access to all regular notebooks. More information can be found at epPLUS www.elektropraktiker.de/epplus.